How to reuse Biodegradable disposable plates(areca palm leaf plates)?

How to reuse Biodegradable disposable plates(areca palm leaf plates)?

Biodegradable disposable plates and cutlery made from Areca sheaths had slowly become an inevitable element of the food serving occasion. Consumers prefer areca leaf plates because of their biodegradability nature and ease of disposing of it. People dispose of the areca leaf plates after using

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14 easy ways to setup a ecofriendly restaurant

14 easy ways to setup a ecofriendly restaurant

To become an ecofriendly restaurant you must adopt environment-friendly practices in the day-to-day operations.  Sustainable practices also strengthen the brand image among the customers and also contributes to customer loyalty. Today, customers are ready to pay a little extra price to dine in sustainable  restaurant.

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What no one tells you about ecofriendly areca palm leaf plates

What no one tells you about ecofriendly areca palm leaf plates

Until the last decade, environment-friendly and sustainability were not a deciding factor in our purchase. But after seeing the adverse effects of non-biodegradable wastes on the environment, consumers have started choosing earth-friendly products for every aspect of their life. The single-use disposable plastic is not

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5 effects of improper Plastic disposal in the environment – Infographic

5 effects of improper Plastic disposal in the environment – Infographic

Sharing is caring0Rathi MekalaRathi co-founded CrozBorder Exports in the year 2017 and deals with manufacturing, consolidating and supplying eco-friendly products(Areca plates) to global customers.

48 Simple and easy ways to live an eco friendly life and save Earth

48 Simple and easy ways to live an eco friendly life and save Earth

Everyone has to know that we have only one earth and it is the responsibility of every citizen of the world to choose and make a sustainable choice. All our actions in some way directly or indirectly destroying the planet.Few of ideas here helps you save

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Green and Clean Environment for next generation – Initiative

How essential Trees are ? As we all know from our childhood classes, how much vital the trees are for the life to exist on earth. They produce the oxygen that we breath and inhale the carbon-di-oxide that we exhale.So for the lives to persist

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